Continuing a legacy of transforming the lives of young people.

Enjoy an evening of entertainment, roving canapés and a live charity auction hosted by Byron Cooke. Tickets, donations and auction item proceeds will go towards our specialist project, more information to follow shortly.

Continuing a legacy of transforming
the lives of young people

At The Jared Dunscombe Foundation, we believe that actions speak louder than words.
Through projects, events and activities, we are determined to raise funds that directly
benefit young people and local communities.


Help build a better future
for generations to come

Many Australians want to do more to help vulnerable members of the community, but often don’t know where to start. The Foundation is a convenient, direct way for people to become involved with charitable causes and have fun at the same time.

Our Charity Partners


Do you believe in
positive change?

We know that, with your help, we can create miracle after miracle for many. Our work doesn’t feel like work, and it seriously spreads positive impact.

Everyone needs
someone, sometimes.
Working with the Jared Dunscombe Foundation to help grieving kids at Feel the Magic has been a wonderful partnership. We feel absolutely privileged to have been a recipient of the JDF and work with the JDF team to reach more kids living with grief in Victoria. This truly will change the lives of these kids and their families.
Adam Blatch
CEO, Feel The Magic
Read about our impact
With your help, we can create lasting change